Monday, September 5, 2011

Ask Natalie First #36-Annette Richards-EFT Practitioner

Ask Natalie First #36-Annette Richards-Emotional Freedom Techniques Services

DSCN0331Emotional Freedom Technique is meridian tapping technique that utilizes the tapping of acupuncture points while a client that focuses on a specific issue.

EFT is an energy psychology technique developed by Gary Craig based on TFT (Thought Field Therapy) developed by Rodger Calahan.

Listen and find out how Annette and EFT can help your life become easier by utilizing these techniques wherever and whenever you need help.

Annette Richards business card


  1. This is clear, concise information given in a friendly, conversational manner. Thank you for this. It would be helpful to know how long the interview is. Could you post that somewhere for those who would want to know?

  2. Natalie,

    I am sending you this e-mail; I want you to listen to interview with Donna Eden. It's about an hour. First, the interviewer has an internet interview business, and so I thought of you. Second, Donna Eden's work takes EFT work to a higher level, and some of the material she talks about, alot of it actually, I also share with clients.

    Thank you again for the opportunity to be interviewed by you and aired on, -Annette
